Joining a committee means that you, alongside other committee members, will follow through with the tasks listed under each committee. Please know that your attendance and volunteering at every event pertaining to your committee is not expected. Please volunteer when you are able and communicate with the committee when you are unable.
Committees may need to meet outside Parish Society meetings and can communicate in other methods to accomplish the tasks designed.
Committees are able to be joined at any time.
What does “answer the call for volunteering” mean?
Answering a call to volunteer means you may enjoy a variety of committees and ways of volunteering and are choosing to answer the call or need for any committee during their time of need.
As a volunteer, you would not need to attend committee meetings, rather your attendance at Parish Society meetings is encouraged.
Committee Members Please use this link to access parishioners who have volunteered to serve on a committee by completing the volunteer form or attending a Parish Society meeting.
If you wish to join a committee, know you are welcome at any time! Contact a Parish Society officer for more information.